Trapped ions are widely used in quantum simulation, precision spectroscopy, quantum information and computation experiments. The excellent level of control, long coherence times and accessibility to commercially available instruments make them very attractive for these kind of experiments. Furthermore, the combination of external motional and internal electronic degrees of freedom can lead to rich and interesting dynamics. Here we present a novel technique to measure the motional state of the ion based on the Autler-Townes effect that is more efficient than the standard approach and can be employed in a non demolition manner. Furthermore, we use the combination of motional and electronic dynamics to simulate the dynamics of an atom in a cross-cavity setup and investigate the emergence of interference both for quantum and coherent states. Both experiments are main results in other PhD theses and already published with major contributions from me. Moreover, the experimental setup was upgraded to allow for better motional control of the ion, better automatization with an up to date control system and an improved Rydberg addressing setup. Especially the last point will be crucial for future experiments since it allows controlled Rydberg excitation of individual ions in an ion string which will be needed for future research in quantum simulation and computation experiments with Rydberg ions.