Licentiate thesis defense

Gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Model and calibration of algorithms to identify bottom quarks

by Ellen Maria Riefel (Stockholm University)

AlbaNova C5:1007 - ELPA (AlbaNova Main Building)

AlbaNova C5:1007 - ELPA

AlbaNova Main Building


This thesis consists of two main parts. The first part presents a search strategy for a nonminimal supersymmetric model in which supersymmetry is broken in three hidden sectors and is mediated by gauge bosons to the visible sector. The parameter space of such a model is scanned and 138 viable benchmark points are obtained that produce final states with three photons and missing transverse energy. A signal region is optimized for this signature and upper limits of the cross section times branching ratio for simplified models are obtained. These upper limits are stronger than those obtained from existing searches. The second part of this thesis focuses on extending the jet-pT range of the light-jet mistag rate calibration of algorithms used to identify jets originating from bottom quarks. Preliminary scale factors are presented. The scale factors are validated by comparing them to those of the current mistag rate calibration at lower jet-pT. A study of the effect of gluon splitting on the scale factors has been done and it is concluded that the effect is negligible.

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