26 May 2025 to 13 June 2025
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


Topological and geometrical properties of wave functions are becoming an indispensable tool with which to understand quantum phenomena in materials. However, the uprising field of topological phases and the new phenomena it is uncovering is strongly biased towards perfect crystalline systems. The advent of new material platforms, such as twisted heterostructures, amorphous solids, and quasicrystals, as well as disordered systems, calls for a generalization of topological properties to systems with reduced or average crystalline symmetries. In this program, we aim to bridge the gap between the communities studying topological phases and non-crystalline systems.
They both are at the forefront of condensed matter physics and use similar tools, but remain largely disconnected. With a four-week focus program we aim to catalyze new breakthroughs through collaborations that otherwise would not occur and uncover to what extent the topology and geometry of the wave function is an ubiquitous phenomenon in condensed matter by going beyond the perfect crystal.

Themes and preliminary program schedule

The workshop will cover topics including

  • Amorphous matter 
  • Quasicrystals
  • Moiré materials
  • Disorder and defects in crystals

Each week will cover all topics, but with a focus on the following topics

  • Week 1: Noncrystalline matter
  • Week 2: Moiré materials 
  • Week 3: Disorder and defects


• Anton Akhmerov
• Nurit Avraham
• Emil Bergholtz
• Andrei Bernevig
• Alex Cerjan
• Aires Ferreira
• Julia Hannukainen
• Huaqing Huang
• Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
• Julie Karel
• Jose Lado
• Terry Loring
• Alexander Mirlin
• Andrej Mesaros
• Anne Nielsen
• Siddharth Parameswaran
• Raquel Queiroz
• Aline Ramires Neves de Oliveira
• Miguel Angel Ramos
• Mohit Randeria
• Hermann Schulz-Baldes
• Pascal Simon
• Nandini Trivedi
• Päivi Törmä
• Daniel Varjas
• Benjamin Wieder


More information coming soon...

Travel support

More information coming soon...


Registration to be considered for on-site participation will close on March 7, 2025. Registrants will receive an on-site/remote participation confirmation from the organizers after this date.

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Albano Building 3
Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
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