Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
One of the central topics of condensed matter research in the last century was superconductivity and superfluidity. Can we go beyond the current paradigms of “super” states of matter? For a long time, all known forms of electronic condensates emerged from electron pairing. Recent experiments report tantalizing first evidence for possible new states of matter: condensates forming from electron quadrupling and bosonic pairing counterparts in ultracold atoms. These states have principally different properties compared to conventional superconducting and superfluid states. This workshop aims to bring together theorists and experimentalists to shed light on novel states of matter that fall beyond the standard paradigm of superconductivity and superfluidity, discuss their properties, latest experimental data, and possible new candidate materials, as well as associated phenomena such as fractional vortices.
- List of organizers:
- Egor Babaev KTH Contact Person
- Daniel Agterberg (University of Wisconsin)
- Johan Carlstrom (Stockholm University)
- Vadim Grinenko (TD Lee Institute Shanghai)
- Leo Radzihovsky (University of Colorado)
- Ilaria Maccari (ETH Zurich)
- Boris Svistunov (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Invited speakers (Incomplete, list to be updated)
- Erez Berg (Weizmann)
- Annica Black-Schaffer (Uppsala University)
- Immanuel Bloch (MPI)
- Girsh Blumberg (Rutgers)
- Bernd Büchner, (Dresden U)
- Federico Caglieris (CNR Genova)
- Piers Coleman (Rutgers U)
- Elena Corbae (Stanford)
- Claudia Felser (MPI)
- Mark Fischer (Zurich University)
- Eduardo Fradkin (UIUC)
- Liang Fu (MIT)
- Matthias Geilhufe (Chalmers)
- Andra Damascelli (UBC)
- Youjin Deng (USTC)
- Hong Ding (TD Lee Institute)
- Victor Galitski (University of Mar)
- Julien Garaud (Tours U)
- Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT)
- Yusuke Iguchi (Stanford)
- Beena Kalisky (Bar Ilan U)
- Amit Kanigel (Technion)
- Aharon Kapitulnik (Stanford)
- Philip Kim (Harvard)
- Steven Kivelson (Stanord)
- Hans-Henning Klauss (Dresden U)
- Anatoly Kuklov (CUNY)
- Hannes Kühne (HZDR)
- Yunxiang Liao (KTH)
- Charles M. Marcus (University of Washington)
- Kathryn Moler (Stanford)
- Jian-Wei Pan (USTC)
- Catherine Pépin (CEA)
- Nikolay Prokofiev (UMass Amherst)
- Aline Ramires (PSI)
- Andreas Rydh (Stockholm University)
- Zhi-Xun Shen (Stanford)
- Takasada Shibauchi (Tokyo)
- Asle Sudbø (NTNU Trondheim)
- Oscar Tjernberg (KTH)
- Alexei Tsvelik (BNL)
- Chandra Varma (UCR)
- Jian Wang (Peking)
- Yihua Wang (Fudan)
- Yuxuan Wang (Flordia U)
- Philipp Werner (Frighburg U)
- Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard U)
- Ali Yazdani (Princeton)
- Sungkit Yip (UOFAC)
- Victor Yakovenko (UMD)
- Andrew Chang Yuan (Stanford)
- Zhen-Sheng Yuan (USTC)
More information coming soon....
Travel support
More information coming soon....
Registration to be considered for on-site participation will close TBD. Registrants will receive an on-site/remote participation confirmation from the organizers after this date.