Licentiate thesis defense

Experimental characterization of sources of entangled photon pairs for the study of photon time correlation, photon statistics and high tangle generation

by Riccardo Checchinato (Stockholm University)

AlbaNova A3:1003 - Styrelserum/KOMKO (AlbaNova Main Building)

AlbaNova A3:1003 - Styrelserum/KOMKO

AlbaNova Main Building


This work analyzes two of the most common sources of entangled photon pairs.
In the two manuscripts, we focused on the study of various properties of the emission coming
from a semiconductor quantum dot. In particular, we first investigated and subsequently
attempted to reduce the effect of the time correlation of the photon pair on Hong-Ou-Mandel
interference visibility. Furthermore, we analyze the photon statistic of the quantum dot
emission and use it to test a novel criterion for the certification of quantum non-Gaussianity
capable of incorporating some amount of known losses. The last part is instead dedicated to
the construction and characterization process of a source of entangled photon pairs based on
spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a Sagnac configuration. Throughout this work,
we compare the source types' relative strengths and weaknesses, highlighting their suitability
for different applications.