The future of quantum computation with trapped ions depends very strongly on the improvements of the hardware. Some of the biggest technological quests in the field are scaling and miniaturization, fast and efficient gates development, implementation of quantum error correction and development of quantum algorithms. The first problem is addressed by turning to microfabricated surface traps which have a smaller footprint than traditional linear Paul traps. They offer higher possibilities of ion control such as shuttling which would allow for decreasing operations cross-talk by e.g. separating the qubit manipulation and the readout zones and for performing operations between ions in a 2-dimensional grid. Another possibility is the implementation of separate loading zones which would allow for continuous loading of ions without affecting the qubit manipulation zone and for continuous refill of sites from which an ion escaped. Solving this problem will become more important as the number of trapping sites increases. Furthermore, high fidelities of gates operations are essential to implement quantum error correction and their speed is an important practical consideration that determines the ultimate computation speed. With this in mind, Rydberg ions are candidates to decrease gate times thanks to their strong interactions.
The focus of this work is put on aspects of experimental design and procedures for efficient and reliable operations with ions, achieving single ion resolution and for improvement in working with and controlling Rydberg ions. First, some overview of ion trapping is given with focus on Rydberg ions properties. Later, experimental setup design for trapping Rydberg ions in cryogenic temperature is presented together with characterization of its components. Lastly, a composite pulses method is tested showing a narrowing in spatial excitation profile of an ion in a trap.