Nordita HEP Local Seminars

String phenomenology, instantons and the Kähler metric of twisted strings

by Paolo Di Vecchia (Nordita)

CoPS group room (A5:1041)

CoPS group room (A5:1041)


Note: there is a pedagogical introduction to this seminar on Friday, Feb 22.

In this seminar I will describe how to compute non-perturbative standard and non-standard (exotic) instanton corrections in string theory. As an example I will derive the non-perturbative ADS/TVY superpotential. In this derivation we need to compare the holomorphicity properties of string theory with those of supergravity. In performing this comparison we can put strong constraints and almost determine the Kähler metric of the twisted open strings representing the chiral matter. They are important for fixing the Yukawa couplings of the string extensions of the Standard Model.

Slides for this talk: PDF (610 K)