Talks at Nordita Programs [before October 2010]

Dynamo theory and its experimental validation

by Karl-Heinz Rädler (Astrophysical Institute Potsdam)



It is generally accepted that most of the magnetic fields of cosmic objects are generated and maintained by dynamo action, that is, by induction effects in moving electrically conducting fluids. In the last decades the theory of cosmic dynamos has been widely elaborated. The experimental demonstration of dynamo effects requires notable technical efforts. A large volume of fluid showing high electrical conductivity and high flow velocities is needed. At the end of 1999 two such experiments, both with liquid sodium but very different flow patterns, ran first time successfully, one in Riga (Latvia) and one in Karlsruhe (Germany). In the mean time a third one succeeded in Cadarache (France). Some more experiments are under preparation. In the talk some elements of dynamo theory will be explained and these experiments will be described and discussed.