10–21 Jan 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Schedule &Lecture notes

Schedule for the Nordita Winter School on Condensed Matter Theory.
All lectures will be at Nordita, in room 132:028.

Monday, januari 10, 9:00-9:45

Monday, januari 10, 9:45-10:00
Welcome and opening of the school

Slot 1: 10:00 - 11:00
Slot 2: 11:30 - 12:30
Slot 3: 14:00 - 15:00
Slot 4: 15:30 - 16:30

Monday, jan 10: Tuesday, jan 11: Wednesday, jan 12: Thursday, jan 13: Friday, jan 14:
Slot 1: Moore I Moore III Oettel I Caux II Roudi III
Slot 2: Bruun I Bruun III Caux I Roudi II Caux IV
Slot 3: Moore II Moore IV Roudi I Caux III Oettel IV
Slot 4: Bruun II Bruun IV Oettel II Oettel III Roudi IV

Monday, jan 17: Tuesday, jan 18: Wednesday, jan 19: Thursday, jan 20: Friday, jan 21:
Slot 1: Hansson I Löwen II Löwen IV Möttönen III Kakashvili IV
Slot 2: Kakashvili I Kakashvili II Möttönen I Slingerland I Slingerland III
Slot 3: Hansson II Löwen III Hansson III Möttönen IV Hansson IV
Slot 4: Löwen I Kakashvili III Möttönen II Slingerland II Slingerland IV

Description of topics:

Georg Bruun:
The Physics of Ultracold Atomic Gases
Suggested literature:
Jean-Sébastien Caux:
A crash course on the Bethe Ansatz (mostly spin chains)
Typeset lecture notes are available from the organizers and lecturer.

Hans Hansson:
Luttinger and Fermi Liquids.
An updated version of the lecture notes:
Lecture notes

Paata Kakashvili:
Integrability in low-dimensional Bose and Fermi systems

Hartmut Löwen:
Theory of freezing and non-equilibrium dynamics

Joel Moore:
Introduction to topological phases.

Mikko Möttönen:
Ultra-cold bose gases and dilute Bose-Esintein condenstates.
Lecture notes are available from the organizers and lecturer.

Martin Oettel:
Inhomogeneous classical fluids: density functional theory of equilibrium structure and freezing

Yasser Roudi:
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems

Joost Slingerland:
A glimpse into Topological Quantum Computation
An updated version of the lecture notes which were handed out (comments welcome!) will be posted here.