15–26 Aug 2011
KTH main campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

New Parallel Programming Languages

26 Aug 2011, 09:15
E3 (KTH main campus)


KTH main campus

KTH main campus Valhallavägen 79


Iris Christadler (LRZ - Leibniz-Rechenzentrum)


A programming language that is able to abstract the peculiarities of parallel programming on a higher level and deliver good performance and scalability will be a key to harness the vast amount of parallelism available in current and future high-end systems. This lecture gives an overview of the different ways parallelism is expressed in languages designed for -or used in- High Performance Computing. The aim of the lecture is to give students an understanding of the technical possibilities and limitations of those languages. We will have a look at the way parallelism is abstracted and briefly discuss how difficult it is to produce efficient code by the compiler.

Presentation materials