January 23, 2012 to February 17, 2012
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

There has been remarkable progress in understanding non-perturbative dynamics of gauge fields and their relationship to string theory in recent years. Many important developments have been made by using methods of exactly solvable systems.

The program is aimed at bringing together specialists with common interests in string theory, quantum field theory and exactly solvable models.

The topics will include (i) exact results in the AdS/CFT correspondence (ii) scattering amplitudes (iii) supersymmetric gauge theories (iv) Bethe ansatz and exact solvability in quantum field theory.

From 6-10 February to there will be a conference "Common trends in Gauge fields, Strings and Integrable models" Please note that the conference registration is different than the registration for the program.

Registration deadline: 15 December 2011

Nordita, Stockholm