- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
A Nordita scientific program is an extended workshop where a limited number of scientists work together on specific topics for a period of several weeks. This program focuses on the different methods for modeling the dynamics of biomolecular systems, ranging from force-field based all-atom representation of individual biomolecules to coarse-grained models for multi-component systems. In particular, the link between these "complementary" modelling approaches, which cover distinct length and time scales, is of central interest. The possibility to bridge and move between the various methods and to integrate their advantages to new multiscale techniques, which allow the simultaneous investigation of system properties at different scales, is the principal issue and concern of the program.
Within this framework, concrete topics of focus are:
The program intends to provide a framework for lively and intensive exchange between scientists who combine theoretical and computational approaches for studying biomolecular processes at different levels of details concerning the relevant length and time scales. It is set up in a rather casual and informal way to give ample time for discussions and for working on particular questions that may arise during the program.
Nordita provides a full-fledged working environment for program participants, including office space, internet access etc.
The program will start with a school in the first week (February 27 till March 2). This school is centered around "Simulation methods for biomolecular systems" and is directed at PhD students and young postdocs. It will focus tentatively on the following topics:
Each topic will be covered by roughly three lectures.
The program continues in the second and third weeks with talks and discussion sessions. We aim at having two presentations a day during the mornings, and free time for discussions and project work during the afternoons.
In parallel, there will be a poster exhibition. The poster are put up in the discussion area, where also coffee breaks take place, and are accessible during the whole program.