30 July 2012 to 25 August 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Signatures of topological order in Coulomb blockaded transport through semiconductor-superconductor nanowire rings

6 Aug 2012, 14:00



Mats Horsdal (Leipzig University)


In semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structures a topological phase transition is expected as a function of chemical potential or magnetic field strength. We show that signatures of this transition can be observed in nonlinear Coulomb blockaded transport through a ring shaped structure. In particular, on the scale of the superconducting gap and for a fixed electron parity of the ring, the excitation spectrum is independent of flux in the topologically trivial phase but acquires a characteristic h/e-periodicity in the nontrivial phase. We relate the h/e-periodicity to the recently predicted 4?-periodicity of the Josephson current across a junction formed by two topological superconductors.

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