3–28 Sept 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Kondo physics in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling

21 Sept 2012, 11:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Kevin Ingersent


The interplay between Kondo physics and spin-orbit interactions has puzzled physicists since the 1960s. Several recent studies have reached conflicting conclusions concerning the properties of a magnetic impurity in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interactions. Subjects of controversy include (1) whether the Kondo physics is intrinsically "one-channel" or "two-channel" in character, with implications for the low-temperature properties; and (2) whether or not the Rashba coupling significantly alters the Kondo temperature scale below which the impurity magnetic moment becomes collectively screened by delocalized electrons. This talk will resolve the above issues, differentiating conditions under which the Kondo scale is exponentially enhanced due to the presence of spin-orbit interactions from cases where the Rashba coupling has negligible effect. Possible experimental probes of spin-orbit effects on Kondo physics will be discussed.

Work conducted with Arturo Wong with support from the NSF Materials World Network progam

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