3–28 Sept 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Spin-orbit interaction in quantum wires - I

6 Sept 2012, 13:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Almas Sadreev


In this set of lectures basic concepts such as Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions will be described. The example of In doped GaAs 2DEG structures will be discussed, how to solve the problem of electron transmission in electronic devices based on these structures, spin-polarized transmission in curvilinear wires and spin evolution for the process of transmission, and finally about ac effects. In a more detailed part of the lectures we consider electron transmission in 1d quantum wire with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction(SOI). The wire is subjected by dc and ac potentials of finger gate that results in local time-periodic Rashba SOI. We calculate the conductance of the 1d wire as dependent on incident energy, frequency of ac potential and a value of dc potential. A conductance, spin polarization and spin flip transmission are calculated as dependent on external constant magnetic field, the ac frequency and energy of incident electrons which show an analog of electron spin resonance for dynamical Rashba SOI.

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