3–28 Sept 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Spins and pseudospins in graphene

17 Sept 2012, 11:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Roland Winkler


Recently atomically flat layers of carbon known as graphene have become the rising star in spintronics as their electrons carry notonly the ordinary spin degree of freedom, but they also have a pseudo-spin degree of freedom tied to the electrons' orbital motion which could enable new routes for spintronics.Here we focus on bilayer graphene (BLG). Using group theory we have established a complete description of how electrons in BLG interactwith electric and magnetic fields. We show that electrons in BLG experience an unusual type of matter-field interactions where magnetic and electric fields are virtually equivalent: every coupling of an electron's degrees of freedom to a magnetic field is matched by an analogous coupling of the same degrees of freedom to an electric field. This counter-intuitive duality of matter-field interactions allows novel ways to create and manipulate spin and pseudo-spin polarizations via external fields that are not available in other materials.

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