Julia Meyer
We study the proximity effect in
ferromagnetic/superconducting hybrid junctions under
non-equilibrium conditions. In particular, we are interested
in the charge current that may be induced at ferromagnetic
resonance in the Andreev subgap regime. To this end, we
study charge transport through a metallic dot coupled to a
superconducting and a ferromagnetic lead with a precessing
magnetization due to ferromagnetic resonance. Using the
quasiclassical theory, we find that the magnetization
precession induces a dc current in the subgap regime even in
the absence of a bias voltage. This effect is due to the
rectification of the ac spin currents at the interface with
the ferromagnet; it exists in the absence of spin current in
the superconductor. Interestingly, when the dot is strongly
coupled to the superconductor, the induced current is
strongly enhanced as compared to the induced current in the
normal state in a wide range of parameters.