5–31 May 2008
<a href="http://www.nordita.se/">NORDITA</a>
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The puzzle of the evolutionary dynamics of influenza

8 May 2008, 15:15
Klein Auditorium (AlbaNova Colloquium)

Klein Auditorium

AlbaNova Colloquium


Prof. Luca Peliti (Naples)


Influenza exhibits two apparently contradictory features: on the one hand, any given individual can get infected with the disease over and over again, since the virus mutates fast enough to escape acquired immunity; on the other hand, on any given epidemic season, the viral strain is sufficiently well-defined, so that an effective vaccine can be identified. It represents a problem in evolutionary dynamics in which the molecular level and the epidemiological level are tightly bound. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this behavior, but a satisfactory answer is still lacking. I shall review the recent debate on the subject and point out the most promising directions of research.

Primary author

Prof. Luca Peliti (Naples)

Presentation materials