5–30 Nov 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The curvaton model

27 Nov 2012, 11:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Kari Enqvist


Curvaton is a scalar field which during inflation is a spectator but which becomes dynamically important after inflation and generates the primordial perturbation. I present the basic idea and discuss the non-gaussianities. The fact that the curvaton must decay implies radiative corrections to the potential, which can be important for the dynamics. Likewise, non-linearities of the curvaton potential can have a considerable impact on the model prediction for non- gaussianities. I also discuss an attempt at a realistic model, where the Standard Model degrees of freedom are produced by virtue of a higgs- curvaton coupling. In such a case, cosmological evolution of the curvaton gives rise to a fairly complicated pattern of resonant production of higgses, where thermal corrections play an important role.

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