5–30 Nov 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Black holes in Lorentz-violating gravity

23 Nov 2012, 11:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Thomas Sotiriou


I will consider black hole solutions in gravity theories that exhibit Lorentz invariance violations. I will argue on fairly general grounds that one does not expect to have black hole solutions in such theories. I will then focus for concreteness on two specific Lorentz-violating gravity theories, Einstein-aether theory and Horava-Lifshitz gravity, and I will present two surprising results. First, that in both theories static, spherical black- hole solutions do exist, contrary to previous expectations. Second, that in Horava-Lifshitz gravity slowly-rotating black holes that reduce to these static, spherical black holes at the limit of no rotation do not exist. I will discuss the theoretical and astrophysical implication of these two results.

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