Scientific programme (17 March - 11 April) and Conference (17-20 March)
Videos: raw data from conference (non-streaming).Link to streaming video directory (preliminary).
Preliminary Report (draft).
Participation in program and conference is done with the same registration form (see on the left).
For the conference the talks will start on Monday, 17 March and will end on Thursday, 20 March.
The daily routine follows a similar pattern each day.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Ge1: Ge3: Ga3: Ga5: 9:00 +++ Marklund Juvela Brandenburg 9:30 Leorat Kleeorin Vazza Baggaley 10:00 Sridhar Tuominen Waelkens Korpi 10:30 *** *** *** *** Ga1: S2: Ge5: Ge7: 11:00 Beck Tobias Sur Shukurov 11:30 Ensslin Janhunen Kim Subramanian 12:30 Haverkorn Arlt Frick Discussion
12:30 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ S1: Ga2: Ge6: 14:00 Hughes Chyzy Stepanov TBA 14:30 Sokoloff Gaensler Nazarenko 15:00 Kueker Fletcher Kapyla Gaensler (Colloq 15:30 *** *** *** about SKA) Ge2: Ge4: Ga4: 16:00 Vishniac Rogachevskii Bonafede End of meeting 16:30 Proctor Yousef/TBA Yan 17:00 Discussion Discussion Discussion 17:30 wine/beer 18:00 conf dinner symbols: *** (coffee), $$$ (lunch)
List of conference talks
The conference takes place in the Oscar Klein Auditorium. When you enter the AlbaNova main building (Roslagstullsback 21), you are on the 5th floor (because the buidling is on a hillside). The Klein Auditorium is just down the first stair case (4th floor). Monday: 17 March 8:30- 9:30 Registration 9:30- 9:25 Jacques Leorat: MHD saturation regime in a Keplerian disk 10:00-10:25 Maarit Korpi: Can MRI be suppressed in galactic disks by SN activity? 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:25 Rainer Beck: Magnetic fields in disks and halos of spiral galaxies: dynamo models confronted with observations 11:30-11:55 Torsten Ensslin: Magnetic turbulence in galaxy clusters 12:00-12:25 Marijke Haverkorn: The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey: probing the magnetized halo of the Milky Way 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:25 David Hughes: Mean field effects in convective dynamos 14:30-14:55 Dmitry Sokoloff: Low dinensional models of stellar dynamos 15:00-15:25 Manfred Kueker: Magnetic field generation in low-mass stars 15:30-16:00 Coffee 16:00-16:25 Ethan Vishniac: Simulations and theory of nonhelical dynamos 16:30-16:55 Michael Proctor: Effects of fluctuation on alpha-Omega dynamo models 17:00-17:25 Discussion 17:30-19:00 wine/beer Tuesday: 18 March 9:00- 9:30 Mattias Marklund: Multi-fluids and dynamo theory in general relativity 9:30- 9:25 Nathan Kleeorin: Formation of large-scale inhomogeneous magnetic structures in a turbulent convection 10:00-10:25 Ilkka Tuominen: Stellar nonlinear dynamos, observations and modelling 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:25 Steve Tobias: Turbulent convective dynamos with penetration, rotation and Shear 11:30-11:55 Pekka Janhunen: The electric sail: a new vehicle in the solar system 12:00-12:25 Rainer Arlt: Magnetic-field generation for Ap stars 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:25 Krzysztof Chyzy: Modified and pure dynamo field in nearby galaxies 14:30-14:55 Bryan Gaensler: Revealing cosmic magnetism with radio polarimetry 15:00-15:25 Andrew Fletcher: Observational signatures of dynamo action in nearby galaxies 15:30-16:00 Coffee 16:00-16:25 Igor Rogachevskii: Generation of large-scale magnetic field in a sheared non-helical turbulence 16:30-16:55 Tarek Yousef/TBA 17:00-17:25 Discussion Wednesday: 19 March 9:00- 9:30 Mika Juvela: Simulated observations of turbulent interstellar medium 9:30- 9:25 Franco Vazza: Turbulent field in the intracluster medium of simulated galaxy clusters 10:00-10:25 Andre Waelkens: Measuring structure in magnetic turbulence by synchrotron polarimetry: the tension force spectrum from Stokes correlators 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:25 Sharanya Sur: Kinetic and magnetic alpha-effects in mean-field dynamos 11:30-11:55 Eun-jin Kim: Theory of turbulent transport and dynamos in astrophysical plasmas 12:00-12:25 Peter Frick: Forced MHD-turbulence in presence of cross-helicity 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:25 Rodion Stepanov: Saturation scenario for the turbulent dynamo 14:30-14:55 Sergey Nazarenko: Finite-box effects in MHD turbulence 15:00-15:25 Petri Käpylä: Dynamos with fractional helicity 15:30-16:00 Coffee 16:00-16:25 Annalisa Bonafede: The Coma cluster magnetic field from Faraday rotation measures 16:30-16:55 Huirong Yan: Studies of magnetic field with aligned atoms 17:00-17:25 Discussion 18:30-21:00: Conference dinner Thursday: 20 March 9:00- 9:30 Axel Brandenburg: Incoherent alpha versus shear-current effects 9:30- 9:25 Andrew Baggaley: A new approach to flux rope dynamos 10:00-10:25 S. Sridhar: Imbalanced Strong MHD Turbulence 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:25 Anvar Shukurov: Magnetic structures produced by the fluctuation dynamo 11:30-11:55 Kandaswamy Subramanian: Magnetic helicity density and its flux 12:00-12:25 Discussion 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:00 TBA 15:00-15:15 Coffee 15:15-16:15 Bryan Gaensler: Overview talk on the Square Kilometer Array 16:25 End of conference; continue programme activity in the Nordita Building The Nordita Building (Roslagstullsback 23) is located on the right just outside the AlbaNova main building.
A. Shukurov (, K. Subramanian (, A. Brandenburg (, M. J. Korpi (
The origin of astrophysical magnetic fields remains controversial. It is more or less generally accepted that they are most often produced and then supported by some form of a self-sustained dynamo action, that is, by conversion of kinetic energy of a plasma flow into magnetic energy. It has been proved that the motions involved must be three-dimensional (Cowling's and Zeldovich's theorems), so simple low-dimensional models are of limited value. Furthermore, both non-chaotic and non-random flows can only produce the so-called slow dynamos, where the growth rate of the magnetic field tends to zero for large magnetic Reynolds numbers typical of astrophysical environments. Since virtually any chaotic or random astrophysical flow becomes turbulent because of the large Reynolds number, astrophysical dynamos usually are turbulent dynamos.Aims and Scope
The intense progress in nonlinear and turbulent dynamo theory of the last ten years has prepared ground for imminent fundamental progress in this area. Much has recently been understood from numerical simulations and analytical efforts. Useful, albeit non-universal approximations for the mean-field theory applicable in a broad range of parameters have been developed, and techniques for incorporating magnetic helicity conservation into dynamo models are being developed. Observational data from galaxies and galaxy clusters are now becoming better suitable for studies of the interstellar and intracluster turbulence. The programme will bring together experts in various relevant areas in order to (1) identify the critical problems to allow further rapid progress, (2) focus the effort on the most fruitful areas of research and (3) establish new collaborations, especially those between theoreticians and observers, that might ensure such a progress. In particular, interstellar and intracluster plasmas appear to be an excellent laboratory to study turbulent dynamos, especially because of the available abundance (and further rapid growth of the quality and quantity) of observational data. Some of key problems are:Saturation mechanisms of the small-scale dynamo; spectra of resulting magnetic fields.
The role of plasma effects in interstellar and intracluster dynamos.
Mechanisms of saturation of mean-field dynamos: helicity conservation and Lagrangian chaos.
Alfv\'en-wave turbulence, wave-wave interactions and MHD turbulence spectra; relation between dynamo mechanisms (producing nonlocal interactions in the wavenumber space) and turbulent cascades.
Interpretation and significance of numerical dynamo simulations.
The significance of various mean-field effects in stars and galaxies.
Turbulent closure models and dynamo theory.
Recent observational results on galactic and intracluster magnetic fields and their interpretation; the origin and sources of intracluster turbulence: galactic wakes versus merger events.
The structure of the program
The program will start with a one-week conference in order to highlight the most recent results, identify common interests and initiate discussions. This meeting may attract a much broader audience than the long-term participants alone (about 50 participants in total).Two general discussions per week will be organised, on topics listed above, each facilitated by two mediators appointed in advance.
Regular seminars (about 1 hour long), in particular presented by those participants who were unable to present a talk at the start-off conference.
How to get here?
(this link has a description and a map). The meeting takes place in the Nordita building,
just next to the AlbaNova main building.
The meeting is sponsored jointly by Nordita, the Swedish Research Council, and the AstroSim programme.