20–31 Aug 2012
KTH main campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Shared memory programming, OpenMP

22 Aug 2012, 09:15
E3 (KTH main campus)


KTH main campus

KTH main campus Valhallavägen 79


Thomas Ericsson (Chalmers University)


Two common ways of speeding up programs are to use processes or threads executing in parallel. The second week of the Summer School presents process-based parallel computing using MPI. In this lecture parallelization using threads will be discussed. Threads can be managed in different ways, e.g. using a low level library, like the POSIX threads library. The lecture deals with OpenMP, which is a more convenient way to use threads. OpenMP is a specification for a set of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables that can be used to specify shared memory parallelism in Fortran and C/C++ programs. The threaded program can be executed on a shared memory computer (e.g. a multi- core processor). Typically, the iterations of a time consuming loop are shared among a team of threads, each thread working on part of the iterations. The loop is parallelized by writing a directive in the code and a compiler or a pre- processor will generate parallel code. Using short code examples, the lecture covers the most important OpenMP-constructs, how to use them and how not to use them. A few more realistic examples are presented as well.

Presentation materials