OKC colloquia

Shedding Light on Dark Energy: First Results from BOSS-Lyα

by N. Busca (APC Paris)



The acceleration in the expansion of the Universe, discovered in the late 90's from SNe data, was a big surprise and remains a mystery. Is it due to an incorrect understanding of gravity or to the presence of the mysterious "dark energy"? Baryon acoustic oscillations in the primordial universe imprint a distance scale in the distribution of matter. The BOSS survey exploits this calibrated distance scale to measure the expansion rate with a low-redshift probe -galaxies at z~0.6- and a high-redshift probe -the Lyα forests of distant quasars, at z ~ 2.3. In particular, the Lyα technic is novel at was introduced by BOSS for the first time. In this talk I will describe the BOSS-Lyα survey and its cosmological context. I will discuss also its first results which, in particular, demonstrate the deceleration of the Universe which predates the acceleration.