OKC colloquia

A matter-free lumpy universe: modelling cosmological inhomogeneities with black hole

by E. Bentivegna (Albert Einstein Institute)

Building a model for the relativistic effects of inhomogeneity in our universe is a complex task, which requires a combined analytical and numerical approach. An interesting avenue that has recently been explored involves modelling inhomogeneities with black holes, thereby neglecting the matter content of the universe and concentrating on the pure gravitational effects. I will describe how to obtain exact, global solution representing regular black-hole structures: first, I will review the standard Numerical-Relativity approach to the construction of black-hole spacetimes; next, I will illustrate the properties of black-hole lattices in two cases, characterized by whether the corresponding spacetime contains a time-symmetric spatial hypersurface; I will then contrast these systems to homogeneous and isotropic models and discuss the surprising parallels that emerge in this comparison.