Physics of minimal living matter: Bottom up assembly of protocells
Steen Rasmussen(Southern Denmark Univ)
Nordita WEST 122:026 (Nordita West/cond matter)
Nordita WEST 122:026
Nordita West/cond matter
For close to ten years our team has methodically implemented component by component of a minimal living molecular machine
composed of an information-, metabolic- and container component. Using a systemic approach, where all components
mutually support each other, we have experimentally demonstrated how replicable chemical information can control metabolic production of
and replication of the system components.
In this talk I present and discuss the principle problems and challenges associated with assembling minimal life from the bottom up,
how we may view minimal life and how we may interpret the origin of information from physicochemical processes.
I further demonstrate how our systems design couples self-assembly (equilibrium processes) and self-organization (non-equilibrium
processes) to generate overall systems self-replication, information inheritance and evolution.
I seek to illustrate the key processes, components and the overall systems dynamics by simple mathematical models as well as
more detailed 3D molecular simulations.
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