OKC colloquia

Understanding Galaxies and Cosmological Hydrogen Reionization Together

by K. Finlator (DARK)

The unique challenges that arise as observations trace the earliest stages of structure formation demand an all-of-the-above approach in which disparate probes can be considered within a single framework. How do observations of metal absorbers, Lyman Break Galaxies, and Lyman-α Emitters combine to inform our understanding of galaxy growth in the hydrogen reionization epoch? Do galaxies, the Lyman-α forest, and the cosmic microwave background all tell the same story? I will begin by discussing recent progress in our theoretical understanding of galaxy growth, with an emphasis on the interplay between hydrodynamic and photoionisation feedback. The current consensus requires an abundant population of faint galaxies to provide the photons that drove reionization; I will consider how faint the faintest galaxies may be and how future observational campaigns can leverage existing and upcoming facilities to reach those scales. Finally, I will discuss efforts to model galaxies, hydrogen reionization, and the growth of the nascent ionising background within a unified model that is subject to the widest possible variety of observational tests.