Dick Bedeaux
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
We analyze the curvature dependence of the heat and mass
transfer resistances of the surface of nano bubbles and
droplets. For this we use an extension [1-7] of the
so-called square gradient model introduced by van der Waals
to describe the density profile in a one-component fluid,
and by Kahn and Hilliard for mixtures, to time dependent
problems. This enables us to calculate equilibrium and
non-equilibrium density profiles for the two phase state.
Together with earlier derived integral relations [8] we are
then able to calculate these resistances. It is found that
the resistances change considerably in the nanoscale range.
This agrees with molecular dynamics results [9]. In earlier
work we studied the stability of nanoscale droplets and
bubbles [10,11].
[1] D. Bedeaux, E. Johannessen and A. Røsjorde, The
Nonequilibrium van der Waals Square Gradient Model I: The
Model and its Numerical Solution, Physica A 330 (2003) 329-353.
[2] E. Johannessen and D. Bedeaux, The Nonequilibrium van
der Waals Square Gradient Model II: Local Equilibrium of the
Gibbs Surface, Physica A 330 (2003) 354-372.
[3] E. Johannessen and D. Bedeaux, The Nonequilibrium van
der Waals Square Gradient Model III: Heat and Mass Transfer
Coefficients, Physica A 336 (2004) 252-270.
[4] K.S. Glavatskiy and D. Bedeaux, Non-equilibrium
properties of a two-dimensional isotropic interface in a
two-phase mixture as described by the square gradient model,
Phys. Rev. E 77 (2008) 061101-17.
[5] K.S. Glavatskiy and D. Bedeaux, Numerical solution and
verification of local equilibrium for the flat interface in
the two-phase binary mixture, Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009) 031608,
[6] K. S. Glavatskiy and D. Bedeaux, Transport of heat and
mass in a two-phase mixture. From a continuous to a
discontinuous description, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 144709-17.
[7] K. S. Glavatskiy and D. Bedeaux, Resistances for heat
and mass transfer through a liquid-vapor interface in a
binary mixture, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 234501.
[8] E. Johannessen and D. Bedeaux, Integral Relations for
the Heat and Mass Transfer Resistivities of the Liquid-Vapor
Interface, Physica A 370 (2006) 258-274.
[9] A. Lervik, F. Bresme, S. Kjelstrup, D. Bedeaux and J.M.
Rubi, Heat transfer in Protein-water interfaces, Phys. Chem.
Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 1610-1617.
[10] K. S. Glavatskiy, D. Reguera, and D. Bedeaux, Effect of
compressibility in bubble formation in closed systems, J.
Chem. Phys. 138 (2013) 204708-6.
[11] Ø. Wihelmsen, D. Bedeaux, S. Kjelstrup, D. Reguera,
Thermodynamic stability of nanosized multicomponent
bubbles/droplets: The square gradient theory and the
capillary approach, J. Chem. Phys. 140 (2014) 024704-9.