Deep seated vs. distributed magnetic field generation in the Sun
- Alexander Kosovichev (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Deep seated vs. distributed magnetic field generation in the Sun
- Aimee Norton (Stanford University)
Yori Fournier
(Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics)
10/03/2015, 12:10
We would like to introduce a robust but still under work
method to probe the existence of flux tubes in low mass
stars. This method is based on the ability of numerical
simulations to predict a magnetic-field--rotation relation
for solar-like stars. Thanks to the observations compiled up
to the present day, this theoretical relation can be
compared with the corresponding observed...
Gustavo Guerrero
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
10/03/2015, 12:30
The solar dynamo, responsible for sunspot formation, is
thought to be operating somewhere within the solar interior.
Unfortunately, the available observation techniques are not
able to observe magnetic field in inner convection zone but
only at the solar surface. There are, however, several
observational constrains like the cycle period, magnetic
field migration or the phase lag between...
Hideyuki Hotta
10/03/2015, 14:30
Recent results of high-resolution MHD calculation of solar
convection zone will be shown. Higher-resolution
calculations enable us to investigate the efficient
small-scale dynamo in the solar global convection zone. In
our highest resolution, efficient small-scale dynamo is
excited throughout the convection zone and magnetic field
can reach almost equipartition strength. The...
Jörn Warnecke
(Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnesystemforschung)
10/03/2015, 15:10
Sunspots occurring on the solar surface following a typical
pattern during the activity cycle. At the beginning of the
cycle they appear at high latitude, whereas at the end they
appear close to the equator. This is associated with an
underlying strong toroidal field which migrates equatorward.
Since a few years this behavior has been reproduced in
global convective dynamo simulations. I...
Bidya Binay Karak
10/03/2015, 15:30
One of the most striking aspects of 11-year sunspot cycles
is that there have been times in the past when sunspots did
not appear for several years. The
most well-known example of this is the Maunder minimum
during 1645-1715. Analyses of cosmogenic isotopes (14C and
10Be) indicate that there have been about 27 grand minima in
the last 11,000 yr. In my talk I shall address
the question...
Rohan Eugene Louis
(Leibniz Institute for astrophysics (AIP))
10/03/2015, 15:50
Sunspots are ideal candidates for probing and understanding
the coupling between various layers of the solar atmosphere.
In this talk I shall describe how this coupling spans a
broad range of spatial and temporal scales in the context of
existing theoretical interpretations and the ever increasing
need for coordinated observations between ground and
space-based facilities.