(DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
We study cosmological perturbations in bimetric theory
focusing on the
effect of coupling of matter fields to metrics. Firstly we
review the
results for the case that a matter field couples to the physical
metric and the other one couples to the second metric, in
which a
stable cosmology can be realized once physically sensible
are satisfied. Next we study the case that a matter field
couples to a
composite metric made out of the two metrics, in which a matter
couples to the two metrics simultaneously without
introducing the
Boulware-Deser ghost. We find that some cosmological
solutions which
is stable in the former case is destabilized in the latter
case, while
there is a class of solutions which is unstable in the
former case but
could be made viable in the latter case. We argue possible
usages of
this new class of stable solutions.