2–20 Mar 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Teleparallel, f(T) and other torsional modified gravities, and their cosmological applications

13 Mar 2015, 11:15
FP41 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Dr Emmanuel SARIDAKIS (Baylor U.)


Torsion has been proved to be crucial in gauging gravity, which is in turn a necessary step towards its quantization. On the other hand, almost all the efforts in modifying gravity has been performed in the usual curvature-based framework. We investigate the case where one modifies gravity based on its torsional-teleparallel formulation, namely the f(T) gravity paradigm, and its cosmological applications. Moreover, we analyze the perturbations of the theory examining the growth history, we construct a cosmological bounce, and we use solar system and cosmological observations in order to impose constraints on the f(T) forms. Additionally, we analyze the charged black hole solutions of the theory, performing a comparison between f(R) and f(T) modifications. Finally, we study the case where T is nonminimally coupled to a scalar field, as well as other extensions of the theory, using higher- order torsion invariants, or torsion-matter couplings.

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