2–20 Mar 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Imprints of the dark sector on cosmic structure formation: insights from the "Full Universe Runs"

12 Mar 2015, 10:25
FB53 (Albanova)




Dr Yann Rasera


In this talk I will focus on the probes of the dark sector. I will present several non-trivial effects of cosmology on the non-linear regime of structure formation. These imprints have been studied in great details thanks to the large volume of the "Full Universe Runs" simulations combined with the high resolution of the "Dark Energy Universe Simulations Series". I will highlight some results from horizon scale down to halo scale: bias and dispersion of the angular distance due to lensing, shift and damping of the BAOs, non-universality of the dark matter halo mass function, variation of the "sparsity" of dark matter halo profile. If not accounted for properly, these non-linear imprints of cosmology on structure formation could bias the cosmological inference.

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