Mariehamn, Åland
The venue is Hotel Arkipelag (Mariehamn, the capital of the province of Åland, Finland). The venue is easily reachable by ferry from Stockholm, Turku (Finland), and Helsinki. Moreover there are flights from Sweden and Finland.
Over the past few decades, experiments in mechanics of soft and thin materials have stimulated new approaches to technological applications as well as brought to light many fundamental questions in our understanding of morphology in biological matter and non-linear material response to external stimuli. Manifestations of patterns such as wrinkles, folds, and singular creases, are ubiquitous mechanical instabilities found in nature and they happen at many different length-scales, from cell membranes to leaves and flowers. The ways materials respond to external forcing, deformation, failure, etc, are intrinsically geometric effects that get transmitted across length scales, from the geometric microstructure to the bulk. While standard treatments of thin-body mechanics typically neglect geometric non-linearities by assuming that the deformed shape deviates only slightly from a known reference shape, this assumption is often violated in real world problems, where materials are often found to be soft and capable to undergo large deformations. The goal of this meeting is to target cutting edge questions on the mechanics of shape formation and response of intrinsically 2-dimensional soft-matter with focus on the question how microstructure architectures may result into macroscopic phenomena that are effectively non-linear and anisotropic responses to external forces and strains. In this workshop we will bring together experts that have helped to advance the frontiers in the field of soft and biological matter
The workshop will be over 2.5 full days (Thursday to Saturday noon) The program will start it on the ferry from Stockholm Wednesday afternoon, with arrival late Wednesday evening in Mariehamn.
The program is now available from the web page.
[Timetable - available from start of the program]
There is no workshop fee. Travel on the ferry from Stockholm to Mariehamn, including dinner on the ferry, is free for all participants, as are coffee and lunches at the workshop. We also plan for a workshop dinner on Thursday.
The participants should aim for arriving to Stockholm so as to reach the ferry terminal by 16.00 on Wednesday, and plan for an arrival to back to Stockholm around 18.30 on Saturday (alternative possibilities exist eg. for travel via Finland).
Invited speakers (confirmed)
If you want to apply for participation in the workshop, please fill in the application form. You will be informed by the organizers shortly after the application deadline whether your application has been approved. Due to space restrictions, the total number of participants is strictly limited (40 slots are foreseen, invited speakers are of course automatically approved, but need to register anyway.)
Application deadline: 31 March 2015 - shifted for late arrivals to 10 April 2015
There is no registration fee.
Travel Reimbursement
PhD students and young Postdoc fellows are eligible for travel grants to participate in the program. If you are interested in such a grant, please mark the corresponding field in the application form, briefly summarize your interest in the program in the comments field, and indicate an estimation of your expected travel expenses. Since only a limited number of grants is available, decision concerning the grants will be made on a case-by-case basis and you will be notified shortly after the application deadline.
From the registration page you may book a room at one of the two hotels we have reserved for the participants. The accommodation is paid on spot. N.b (May 5th) your requests have been honoured; PhD students will share rooms at Park.
Sponsored by:
The event receives support from Nordita and the Aalto Science Institute (AScI).