3–13 Jan 2017
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The 7th annual Nordita Winter School on Theoretical Physics

The Physics of Planets

3-13 January, 2017


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


The purpose of this winter school is to provide PHD students and young postdocs in the Nordic countries with introductory courses in a range of the most important topics in the field of planet formation. Furthermore, the school will provide a way to bring together students and young postdocs across different fields, research institutions and countries.


There will be two principal lecturers each giving a two-hour lecture in the morning. In the afternoon there will be one talk on current topics on the subject. There will also be tutorial sessions during afternoon.


Principal lecturers:

  • Phil Armitage (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  • Alessandro Morbidelli (Observatory of Nice)

Topical lecturers:

  • Alexis Brandeker (Stockholm University)
  • Bengt Gustafsson (Uppsala University and NORDITA)
  • Anders Johansen(Lund)
  • Lars Mattson (NORDITA)
  • Aake Nordlund (NBI)
  • Hans Rickman (Uppsala University)


The school is mainly intended primarily for PhD students and young postdocs from the Nordic and Baltic countries. Advanced masters students may also apply. Students outside the Nordic and Baltic countries may also apply although financial support is available for only Nordic and Baltic students.

You apply to the Nordita winterschool in three steps:

  1. Fill in the form in the menu to the left
  2. Send your CV as an attachment to a mail to winterschool@nordita.org
  3. Ask your supervisor or other person to send a recommendation letter to the same address, winterschool@nordita.org

Note that all three steps must be completed by 15 November 2016.

Sponsored by

Nordita Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse

Nordita, Stockholm