17–20 Aug 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Glimpses of black hole formation/evaporation in highly inelastic, transplanckian energy string collisions

17 Aug 2016, 18:20
Wallenbergsalen (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Andrea Addazi (UNIVAQ, LNGS INFN)


We revisit possible glimpses of black-hole formation by looking at trans-planckian string-string collisions at very high final-state multiplicity. We compare, in particular, previous results using the optical theorem, the resummation of ladder diagrams at arbitrary loop order, and the AGK cutting rules, with the more recent study of 2 → N scatterings. We argue that some apparent tension between the two approaches disappears once a reinterpretation of the results in the latter approach is adopted. Under that assumption, the typical final state produced in a highly trans- planckian collision does indeed appear to share some properties with those expected from the evaporation of a black hole of mass √s, although no sign of thermalization is seen to emerge at this level of approximation.

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