Jun 13 – 17, 2016
Stockholm (D3)
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Aspects of Membrane Dynamics (13 - 17 June)

Despite of the first study of relativistic extended objects in physics (Dirac, 55 years ago) having been aimed at membranes, and mathematicians (e.g. Eisenhart) having considered higher-dimensional minimal hypersurfaces to be of great interest more than one century ago, progress in this fascinating field has been slow, because of its intrinsic non-linearity and immense complexness. It therefore needs a joint review of the state of the art, as well as communication between leading experts of various aspects of the problem.


List of titles and abstracts

Lecture hall D3, KTH Campus (Map)

Sunday Reception (20.00, Engelska parken, KTH)
Monday Explicit Examples
09.15 Registration and coffee
09.45 Opening
11.00 J. Choe
12.00 Lunch
14.00 K. Tenenblat
15.00 A. Bergfeldt + P. Bäck
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 H. Lee
16.30 V. Tkachev
17.00 G. Linardopoulos
Tuesday Structural Questions
10.00 S. Brendle
11.00 G. Tian
12.00 Lunch
14.00 A. Zheltukhin
16.45 Boat trip (until 21.15)
Wednesday   Singularity Formation
10.00 J. Eggers
11.00 L. Nguyen
12.00 Lunch
14.00 G. Huisken
15.00 G. Bellettini
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 M. Bordemann
Thursday Noncommutative Surfaces
10.00 J. Arnlind
11.00 D. Berenstein
12.00 Lunch
14.00 G. Ishiki
14.45 Y. Sato
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 B. Durhuus
17.00 T. Turgut
Friday Quantum Theory
10.00 D. Lundholm
11.00 M. Trzetrzelewski
11.30 M. Garcia del Moral
12.00 Lunch
14.00 Y. Asano
14.45 M. Hynek
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 D. O'Connor
17.00 A. Restuccia
Conference dinner


Stockholm, Sweden.


Please fill out the registration form if you would like to participate.

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The workshop is sponsored by Nordita and KTH. <//p>

Stockholm (D3)