Mikko Alava
(Aalto University)
The character of the crackling noise and intermittent
response of dislocation systems remains a partly unresolved
problem. Partly this has been charted by the use of
extensive Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD) simulations.
2D studies [1,2,3,4] show that these systems exhibit glassy
response and extensive criticality even at zero stresses,
while introducing impurities such as solutes on changes the
phase diagram and leads to additional phases and complexity
[2,4]. In 3D, the phenomenology seems similar to 2D [5], in
that an extended critical phase down to zero applied stress
is found. One of the research directions is to consider the
impact of "disorder" such as precipitates [6] and prismatic
loops on plasticity in these systems [7].