One-parameter theory for DNA extension in nanochannels

8 Mar 2017, 14:45
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Bernhard Mehlig (Gothenburg University)


The extension of DNA during confinement in a nanochannel has attracted substantial attention for next-generation genomics and as a fundamental problem in polymer physics. But recent experiments measuring DNA extension in nanonchannels are at odds with even the most basic predictions of current scaling theories for the conformations of confined semiflexible polymers like DNA. We posit that this discrepancy arises because the experimental systems do not satisfy the strong inequalities underlying the existing scaling theory. We develop a new theory, based on the properties of a weakly self-avoiding, one-dimensional random walk. Both recent experimental results and new simulation data reported here collapse onto one master curve as a function of a single parameter that varies continuously throughout the experimentally relevant region of the parameter space. In special cases previous scaling theories are recovered.

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