7 May 2017 to 2 June 2017
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


Phase transitions occur constantly in the interstellar medium and to a large degree define star and planet formation. The transition from atomic to molecular gas sets the initial conditions for star formation, while the formation and destruction mechanisms of dust and other solids is the basis for understanding the origins of planets. This program aims to bring together experts in ISM dynamics, planet formation, exoplanet atmosphere, and planetary ices, from both modeling and observations to study this problem in detail.

The 2017 Nordita Program “Phase Transitions in Astrophysics” will bring together experts from different areas in Astrophysics to discuss scientific topics all across the cosmic range of scales, from interstellar dust and gas, to protoplanetary disks and planetary atmospheres, focusing on the physics of phase transitions.

PTA is a project-oriented meeting . All participants are invited to bring project ideas on the broad subject of phase transitions, and include experts on different fields. Students are especially encouraged to seek collaborations with postdocs and faculties during this program. A minimum stay of one week is required, but longer stay are encouraged.

Students can apply by sending a cv and a short statement about the science that they would like to accomplish while at Nordita (max 1000 words) to fabio@nordita.org . The organizing committee will fully cover the accommodation and travel expenses for the selected students, and will try to cover expenses for the more experienced participants according to the available funds.

Info: fabio@nordita.org


The daily schedule will comprise talks, panel discussions and hands-on workshops. Students are particularly encouraged to seek new avenues in their research by collaborating with the post-docs and faculty, and to learn new computational and observational tools in one of the workshops.

Registration is now open!

Nordita, Stockholm