17–21 Aug 2017
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Lode Pollet - The anisotropic Harper-Hofstadter-Mott model: competi- tion between condensation and magnetic fields

20 Aug 2017, 09:35
FB52 (AlbaNova)




We derive the reciprocal cluster mean-field method to study the strongly-interacting bosonic Harper-Hofstadter-Mott model. In terms of the hopping anisotropy and the chemical potential, the system exhibits a rich phase diagram featuring band insulating, striped superfluid, and supersolid phases. Furthermore, for finite anisotropy we observe gapless uncondensed liquid phases at integer fillings, which are analyzed by exact diagonalization. The liquid phases at fillings ? = 1, 3 exhibit the same band fillings as the fermionic integer quantum Hall effect, while the phase at ? = 2 is CT - symmetric with zero charge response. We discuss how these phases become gapped on a quasi-one-dimensional cylinder, leading to a quantized Hall response, which is characterized by a suitable measure for non-trivial many-body topological properties. Incompressible metastable states at fractional filling are also observed, indicating competing fractional quantum Hall phases. The combination of reciprocal cluster mean-field and exact diagonalization yields a promising method to analyze the properties of bosonic lattice systems with non-trivial unit cells in the thermodynamic limit.

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