Mar 21 – 23, 2018
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Structural constrains on the emergence of temporal patterns in neuronal networks

Mar 22, 2018, 2:30 PM
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Arvind Kumar (KTH)


Spatial and temporal patterns of neuronal activity in the brain are thought to underlie every meaningful behavior. Consistent with this idea, spatio-temporal sequences have been observed in different conditions across the brain in the form of travelling waves and spike patterns. Three somewhat related mechanisms have been proposed to explain the existence of temporal sequences. First, it is assumed that the feedforward networks are embedded in an otherwise random network. Second, temporal sequences reflect a systematic transition of the network activity from one attractor state to another. Such transitions are governed by specific connectivity rules or neuron and synapse properties. Third, randomly connected networks learn to generate sequences using a supervised learning algorithm. All these mechanisms are untenable given the known anatomy of the brain and the biological implausibility of supervised learning. Thus, despite the ubiquity of sequential activity of neurons, the underlying mechanisms have remained obscure. To better understand the spatio-temporal patterns in neuronal activity we investigated the dynamics of neuronal network with spatial connectivity. We found that to form spatial pattern in the network activity, spatial connectivity should vary non-monotonically as a function of distance between neurons. On the other hand when the spatial connectivity is asymmetric and inhomogeneous in the network space, the spatial patterns become unstable and result in the emergence of temporal patterns. Finally, we derive the constraints on the asymmetry and inhomogeneity of the connectivity that results in spatio-temporal sequences resembling the sequential neuronal activity in the brain.

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