Mar 21 – 23, 2018
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Membrane curvature sensing by symmetric proteins

Mar 23, 2018, 11:30 AM
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Martin Linden (Uppsala University, Sweden)


Many proteins and peptides have an intrinsic capacity to sense and induce membrane curvature, and play crucial roles for organizing and remodeling cell membranes. However, neither the molecular driving forces behind these processes nor the physical models capable of connecting molecular mechanisms to their large-scale consequences are well understood. I will describe recent work to develop computational methods to study these phenomena, and focus on the relationship between structural symmetry and curvature sensing. Structural symmetry is ubiquitous in membrane proteins, since many of them form symmetric multimeric complexes. Using coarse-grained simulations and theoretical arguments, we show that symmetry can greatly influence membrane curvature sensing. In particular, the potential for anisotropic membrane curvature sensing is limited to asymmetric proteins, dimers, and tetramers, but strongly suppressed by odd and higher-order symmetries. This classification provides a new perspective on structure-function relation for membrane proteins, suggests a correlation between multimer multiplicity and certain types of membrane deformations, and can simplify the task of constructing mesoscopic models of curvature sensing.

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