Jul 15 – 19, 2019
Kräftriket, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Slides From Talks


Slides from talks will be published here later

  • Niklas Beisert
    "Global Heating and the Scientic Community"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Olalla Castro-Alvaredo
    "Entanglement Content of Localized Excitations"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Frank Coronado
    "Bootstrapping the simplest four-point function in N=4 SYM"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Sergey Derkachov
    "Separation of variables and Basso-Dixon correlators in two-dimensional fishnet CFT"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Lorenz Eberhardt
    "An exact AdS3/CFT2 duality"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Igor Klebanov
    "Dynamics of tensor and SYK models"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Shota Komatsu
    "Holey sheet, integrability!"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Igor Krichever
    "The Bethe ansatz equations and integrable system of particles"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Pedro Liendo
    "The Bootstrap Program for Defect CFT"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Dalimil Mazáč
    "Sphere Packing and Quantum Gravity"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Stefano Negro
    "The T-Tbar deformation of 2D QFTs. A "gentle" introduction to irrelevant deformations"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Rafael Nepomechie
    "Quantum groups and Bethe ansatz"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Enrico Olivucci
    "Dynamical fishnets"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Raul Pereira
    "The five-point function in N=4 at strong coupling"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Valentina Petkova
    "The Octagon form factor as a determinant"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Leonardo Rastelli
    "Exploring a Famous Irrelevant Deformation of N=4 SYM"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Paul Ryan
    "Separated variables and factorized wave functions in GL(n) spin chains"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Diego Trancanelli
    "Deformations of the circular Wilson loop and spectral (in)dependence"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Stijn van Tongeren
    "Integrable deformations and AdS/CFT"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Yifan Wang
    "Knots from M-theory"
    Slides (PDF)

  • Xi Yin
    "String spectrum in RR flux background from NSR closed string field theory"
    Slides (PDF)