Nordita HEP Local Seminars

Mean-field quantization of bosonic string

by Yuri Makeenko (ITEP, Moscow)

132:028 (Nordita East)

132:028 (Nordita East)

It is known since 1980s that both conformal field theory technique and lattice regularizations of a quantum string work only in the target-space dimension d<2. As we have shown recently with Jan Ambjorn, the usual classical string vacuum is unstable for d>2, where another quantum vacuum state has lower energy and is stable under fluctuations for d<26. I construct it in the mean-field approximation which is analogous to solving the sigma-model at large N and show how the results known from canonical quantization are reproduced. This requires a very special scaling limit whose existence is due to the fact that the worldsheet metric becomes singular when the cutoff is removed.