Daniel Areán
"Holographic phonons and bad metals"
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Riccardo Argurio
"Goldstones, or not, in QFT and Holography"
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Johan Bijnens
"The chiral Lagrangian at order p8"
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Tomáš Bzdušek
"Beyond the Tenfold Way: Non-Abelian Topology in Noninteracting Metals"
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Maxim Chernodub
"Transport phenomena due to conformal anomaly"
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Christian Copetti
"Hall viscosity of 3D Lifschitz fermions"
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Luca Delacrétaz
"Theory of diffusive fluctuations"
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Angelo Esposito
"An non-relativistic effective theory for gapped Goldstones"
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Michael Geracie
"Galilean geometry in EFT"
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Omri Golan
"Boundary central charge from bulk Hall viscosity - chiral superfluids"
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Igor Herbut
"Fixed point collisions and tensorial order parameters in Luttinger semimetals and some popular field theories"
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Yoshimasa Hidaka
"Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Nambu-Goldstone modes in open classical and quantum systems"
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Ivan Kharuk
"Goldstone theorem for spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries"
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Semyon Klevtsov
"Geometry and Physics of Quantum Hall States"
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Ian Low
"A modern perspective on Nambu-Goldstone bosons"
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Joseph Maciejko
"Disordered and deconfined: exotic quantum criticality with Dirac fermions"
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Michael Mulligan
"Duality and the half-filled Landau level"
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Dung Nguyen
"Particle-hole symmetry and composite fermions theories of Jain sequence"
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Riccardo Penco
"Holographic Solids at Zero Temperatures"
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Oriol Pujolàs
"Elasticity and viscosity of conformal solids"
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Leo Radzihovsky
"Fracton-elasticity duality"
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Ira Rothstein
"Symmetry Obstruction to Fermi Liquid Behavior at Unitarity"
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Michael Scherer
"Dirac fermions and critical phenomena: exponents, emergent symmetries and dualities"
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Igor Shovkovy
"Downfall of chiral magnetic wave"
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Jun Ho Son
"U(1) Duality Web from 3D Euclidean Lattice"
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Uwe-Jens Wiese
"Merons and theta-vacuum effects in the 2-d O(3) model"
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Naoki Yamamoto
"Effective field theory for QCD matter in a magnetic field and rotation"
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Wilhelm Zwerger
"Bose gases near zero scattering length"