Atomic-scale sliding friction on a contaminated surface

22 Mar 2019, 11:30
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Astrid de Wijn (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


Friction between solid surfaces is an important phenomenon in everyday life. A large portion of the total energy production in industrialised countries is lost through friction and wear. Friction is a very complex phenomenon with dynamics happening on many length and time scales. At the most basic level, however, is the dissipation at the nano-scale level. At this level, real sliding interfaces can still be fairly complex. Often, there are molecules adsorbed on the surfaces, originating from the atmosphere or additives that have been put in a lubricant to protect the surface from wear, corrosion, etc. I will discuss theoretical approaches to studying how adsorbed molecules affect the friction at the nano scale, using simple models and molecular-dynamics simulations.

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