Asymptotic derivation of a higher-order beam model for tape springs

21 Mar 2019, 09:45
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Marcelo Dias (Aarhus University)


In this talk we shall discuss the localization of folds in a curved tape spring. This phenomena reveals a generalized mathematical structure with strong links to that of phase transitions, as seen in a van der Waals’ fluid, for which a fixed volume contains a mixture of liquid and vapor phases. This framework also captures phase transformations as material instabilities, whereby material non-linearities showcase non-convex energy functionals. To exemplify this idea, in the context of elasticity, we shall review a simple one-dimensional for instabilities in elastic bars, namely the Ericksen bar model. Then, we will construct a dimensionally reduced shell model in order to approach the problem of a curved tape spring. An asymptotic derivation of this model will be explained and demonstrated to be a possible tool to analyze the localization of folds.

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