Long-distance electrodynamic interactions among biomolecules

21 Mar 2019, 14:00
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Marco Pettini (Aix-Marseille University)


In the first part of this talk I will report about the theoretical and experimental findings about the activation of out-of-equilibrium collective oscillations of a macromolecule as a classical phonon condensation phenomenon [Phys. Rev. X 8, 031061 (2018)]. If a macromolecule is modeled as an open system—that is, it is subjected to an external energy supply and is in contact with a thermal bath to dissipate the excess energy— the internal nonlinear couplings among the normal modes make the system undergo a nonequilibrium phase transition when the energy input rate exceeds a threshold value. This transition takes place between a state where the energy is incoherently distributed among the normal modes and a state where the input energy is channeled into the lowest-frequency mode entailing a coherent oscillation of the entire molecule. The experimental outcomes (obtained with two independent setups and performed on a model protein) are in very good qualitative agreement with the theory and provide a proof of concept of which the most significant implication is that, in compliance with another theoretical prediction [Phys. Rev. E 91, 052710 (2015)], a crucial prerequisite is fulfilled to excite intermolecular long-range electrodynamic interactions. In turn, these interactions could affect the biomolecular dynamics by contributing to drive the high efficiency and rapidity of mutual encounters of the partners of biochemical reactions in living matter. In the second part of the talk I will report on the outcomes of two other recent and independent experiments clearly showing the activation of long-range/long-distance electrodynamic interactions among biomolecules (proteins) as a consequence of the activation of out-of-equilibrium collective molecular oscillations. It has been found that the model proteins used can mutually attract at a distance as large as 1000 Angstroms, which is by far larger than all the other intermolecular interactions usually considered in action in living matter.

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