Enhancing Fluorescence Detection with Lightguiding Nanowires

21 Mar 2019, 16:45
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Damiano Verardo (Lund University)


Semiconductor nanowires can act as nanoscaled optical fibers, enabling them to guide and concentrate light emitted by surface-bound fluorophores. Fluorescent emission can couple into the nanowire core due to near-field interactions and, in a free-standing nanowire, it can be guided to its tip regardless of the emitter position along the nanowire length. Harnessing this effect would potentially allow nanowires to be used as signal integrators for the fluorescence generated close to their surface, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Detecting the presence of fluorescently labelled molecules on free standing nanowires can be used to characterize the diffusion of molecules in a supported lipid bilayer. The simultaneous observation of hundreds of nanowires with epifluorescence microscopy allows for the determination of both concentration and diffusivity with short measurement times, as this parallel approach can be corrected for bleaching.

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