Agnese Bissi
"Conformal Bootstrap'
Reading material:- Books
- Di Francesco, "Conformal Field Theory"
- John Carlay, "Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics"
- Lecture notes
- arxiv:1602.07982 David Simmons-Duffin , "TASI Lectures on the Conformal Bootstrap"
- arxiv:1601.05000 Slava Rychkov, "EPFL Lectures on Conformal Field Theory in D>=3 Dimensions"
- Books
Ulf Danielsson
"The Weak Gravity Conjecture, Swampland and all that. Lecture 3"
Reading material:- arxiv:1804.01120 Ulf Danielsson, Thomas van Riet , "What if String Theory Has No de Sitter Vacua?"
Marco Nardecchia
"Particle Physics Phenomenology"
Slides Lecture 1-2 (PDF)
Slides Lecture 3 (PDF) -
Oliver Schlotterer
"String Theory Amplitudes"
Reading material:- General introduction to string theory (based on 24 hours of part III lectures @ University of Cambridge): D. Tong arxiv:0908.0333
- Double-copy structures of tree-level amplitudes: T. Azevedo, M. Chiodaroli, H. Johansson, O. Schlotterer, arxiv:1803.05452
- Number theory of string amplitudes: O. Schlotterer, O. Schnetza arxiv:1808.00713
Also see the review material on - Video lectures on scattering amplitudes in QFT and string theory (15 x 90 min course within the PSI master program @ Perimeter Institute, see in particular lectures 13 — 17): F. Cachazo, O. Schlotterer and guest lecturers
- Introduction to the pure-spinor formalism: C. Mafra arxiv:0902.1552,
T. Azevedo (lecture 12 of the above PSI course):
Paolo Di Vecchia
"Anomalies, 2-Dimensional Bosonization and Effective Lagrangians"
Lecture notes "Chiral Anomalies" (PDF)
Slides "Spontaneous CP Breaking and the Axion Potential" (PDF) -
Dmytro Volin
"Basics of Amplitudes"
Assignments (PDF) -
Konstantin Zarembo
"Solvable Models"
Lecture notes (PDF)
Reading material:- A. Zamolodchikov, Al. Zamolodchikov, Annals Phys. 120 (1979) 253
- P. Dorey, arxiv:hep-th/9810026
- K. Zarembo, arxiv:1712.07725