Nordita HEP Local Seminars

Target space duality of curved backgrounds

by Volker Schomerus (DESY)

CoPS group room

CoPS group room

Strong-weak coupling dualities in 2-dimensional quantum theory possess a long history, with a remarkable range of applications. Target space dualities between non-linear sigma model, for example, often allow to sum up contributions from world-sheet instantons, a task that would seem virtually impossible without duality symmetries. In recent years, a new class of curved target spaces has come into focus through the AdS/CFT correspondence. As simple examples show, the corresponding sigma model theories receive non-perturbative alpha' corrections. It would be of obvious interest to capture those through perturbative expansions in some dual world-sheet theory, whenever such a dual exists. In my talk I will explain and derive a prototypical example for a weakly coupled string dual of a strongly coupled holographic background.